Healthcare Providers

The Australian Leukodystrophy Clinical and Research Program is accepting national referrals to provide a tertiary opinion on clinical history, patient imaging and the most appropriate investigations such as genomic testing for patients with leukodystrophies and white matter disorders. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to offer funding for genomic testing for either historical or current patients with undiagnosed white matter disorders.

We still encourage you to contact us if you have a patient with a white matter disorder (with or without a genetic diagnosis) to:

  1. Assist with clinical, imaging and genomic interpretation if required.
  2. Discuss patient involvement in the national patient registry.
  3. Discuss eligibility for emerging treatments and clinical trials.

Please do not hesitate to contact if you have any questions.

To refer a patient for an appointment at the white matter disorders clinic, please view the RCH specialist clinic referring information. Please address your referral to Neurogenetics.